Birthday Wish List
Ok, I'm turning 25 tomorrow. My mom told me that I was born early morning of Dec.18 so that would be few hours from now (current time: 9:35pm, 12-17-08). Haha. Think of a child recieving so many gifts. Im very very happy.
I would not include a wish that my parents and brothers to greet me tomorrow because they always do that and besides they always call or send a sms to tell that I should always take care and besides, it not a wish its a constant reality.
Eventhough, they are not that expressive. I can feel it.
I love them too :D
Anyway, Here's the list
1. That everyone would hug me tomorrow. I do not care what other's would think. I just need a hug for no reason at all (haha)
2. That my cousins, tito, tita, niece, nephew and all those of my kins who forgot to greet me last year, would manage to greet me tomorrow. (Last year, I was really saddened, they forgot it, I have sent them a sms reminding them and that's the only time they had greeted me. You see, Im the type of very sensitive person and childish.)
3. That someone from a far away country would also greet me. Even just for few seconds if not, a drop of an e-mail. There's no greater gift if this would come true.
4. A pair of Adidas shoe (white color with adidas brand stripes color black_ for special occasions only)
5. A dog-tug. (Ito yung necklace ng sundalo where the details of the owner is being engraved)
6. An Issey Miyaki cologne (need not to be of same brand) haha
7. A Sony Ericcsson phone. (anyone intersted: please read my prevouis post)
8. Canon Professional Camera (i'm hooked to photography)
9. A pair of boxers (I sleep with boxers only)
10. A Tag Hueur watch or the Wenger
11. A personal notebook (either Dell or Toshiba, latest specifications please )
12. A 120 Gb Ipod
13. A hoodie (plain color, black or dark blue)
14. A jacket from Diesel (For those who would like to give, it's in Rockwell
15. A jacket from Ck (ditto mark)
16. A gym-wear (shorts or tank)
17. A merrel shoes (for every day field work)
18. An alarm clock (which I already bought, It's a must -buy item because I'm not early-riser type)
19. A personal 2-storey House (fully furnish with 5 bedrooms with T&B each, one master bedroom equipped with jacuzzi along with another room for full of clothes and shoes, studio room with complete entertainment systems, a big receiving room, a common T&B complete with amenities required, a kitchen room with lots of utensils) and with car park big enough for two (one Fortuner colored white and One BMW colored dark blue) and of course an mini-Olympic size pool; and a Lot listed under my name (I know this is too much but SOMEONE more that generous enough would give to me and I have this strong faith that HE will give it to me in HIS time and I feel He'll give it to me by next Year. (Gee, Im excited)
20. A MC amounting to 100K addressed to me as my first salary next year
21. A Swiss Security bank statement addressed to me
22. A grapic-tee from Team Manila (it's in Rockwell too)
23. That I will be having a beautiful and loving wife
24. That I will be having lots of children
25. That I may live another year.
Message to all (with gifts or without gifts, I'm still happy that I have all of you);
I personally thank you for always supporting my dreams and ideas. I enjoy taking this life with you all. I know that eventhough I'm grumpy at all times (is it all time?) you're always there, always extending patience for me.
I'm happy for all of you.
GOD bless us all. Play Safe, Stay Safe. Be Safe. I love you all. (haha)
"For He has written our names in HIs mighty hand, He then never forgets and always protect for us to realize His Great Plans. Open our hearts to Him and lets swim to His great abundance of grace and Love."
Blessed by Father, redeemed By a Great Brother and enlightened by Holy Spirit. Amen
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